Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Bring on the Hefeweizen!

Bio Lab, how I love thee! let me count the ways:

Heartwood & Sapwood
Monocots & Dicots
Chlorophyll & Stroma

Yes, Yes, Yes! On the places I'll go with all this intense knowledge of plants!

Although it's all somewhat, kinda, sorta interesting--if you think about it. I guess. At least it has to be until the next exam, then I will become the super student of something else. Right?

And for one of the most obvious (cultural)

Reasons Why I love October:

09) Oktoberfest! Technically it ended this past weekend, but since it's still October I felt the need to talk about it (thanks for reminding me, friend). I haven't actually been to Munich at the right age to participate in the festivities, but I can tell you a lot about the German art of Beer.

Or really, I don't have the time to tell you about it--but you can find out basically everything you need to know by following my links!

My personal favorite? Hefeweizen (Wheat beer that is brewed with a higher proportion of wheat so it has a lighter color and flavor...it's actually sweet!)

Boscos on the Square (Overton Square) has Boscos Oktoberfest beer currently on tap, CHECK IT OUT!


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