Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Conjunction (dis) Junction:

What's your function?
a conjunction is a PART OF SPEECH that connects two words, phrases or clauses together. In general, a conjunction is an invariable grammatical particle, and it may or may not stand between the items it conjoins.

Hey, that's clever!

But here's some NEW ones I need to memorize for a certain Exam next week...

logical conjunction "and" is a two-place logical operator that results in a value of true if both of its operands are true, otherwise a value of false.

True AND True = True
True AND False = False

logical disjunction "or" is a two-place logical operator that results in true whenever one or more of its operands are true.

True OR False = True
False OR False = False

Okay. Now add in Conditional (-->) and Bi-Conditional (<-->) to the mix.

I like tying up words and phrases and clauses.

A conditional is a compound statement formed by combining two sentences (or facts) using the words "if ... then." A conditional can also be called an implication.

if True then False = False
if True then True = True

A bi-conditional is a compound statement formed by combining two conditionals under "if and only if." Biconditionals are true when both statements (facts) have the exact same truth value.

if True and only if True = True
if False and only if False = True

I'm going to get you there if you're very careful.
Conjunction (dis)Junction, what's your function?
I'm going to get you there if you're very careful!

p.s. thanks for the help, School House Rock!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My head hurts now


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