Did anyone else chew your fingernails off this evening?
Or maybe you prefer the more subtle "yelling at the screen" method to make it through?
(I enjoy a combination of both)
By the way, thank goodness we're not that other blue & gray team, because their going home.
I'm not going to focus on the negative (the F
I'm waiting for a Twilight Zone moment to occur because I swear I could feel all the bumps and bruises. Maybe they will psychically manifest too?
If you've caught most of the tournament action over the last few days, you've probably seen the new SPARQ Nike commercial...doesn't it make you want to run up and down any court or field?
The song, List of Demands (Reparations) by Saul Williams is absolutely fantastic--both in rhythm and lyrical content. Pure poetry put to soul. You can almost feel your heart jump out of your chest if you pay attention.
Or maybe that's just the Tigers causing my heart to thump thump thump. I hope we have no problems, Houston.
My fingernails are ALL gone. And my stomach kind of hurts. That was bad. (And what's up with the Dorsey, Dozier, Taggart foul situation. WTF?)
Anyway, it's all good now. Thank God. I was going to cry if we didn't make the freakin' Sweet 16 after two back-to-back Elite 8'S.
Oh! And you're gonna hate me for this, but I had San Diego and Siena in my bracket! AND I had Western Kentucky going to the Sweet 16. Honest! My logic was so stupid. When I was making out my bracket I pulled up ESPN and they had a picture of one of the Western Kentucky players making this REALLY goofy facial expression right at the top of the page. It cracked me up, so I thought, "I'll pick them."
San Diego AND Siena? Really? no lie? WOW!
At least I didn't go with my "who has the cutest players" strategy....although Joe Alexander, I mean WVU, did beat Duke so that would've given me some points.
wooooooooooo hooooooooooo
go tigers keep me postet
love ya
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