So a late night at Earnestine & Hazel's coupled with a bit of fiction...
turned into my latest piece over at 6S.
I had never seen this sign before (the one with the shoe) until I started searching around the 'Net.
What makes me really feel proud is when I saw a series of photos in the Oxford American several years ago and KNEW exactly WHERE they were taken.
I wanted to include something about the Soul Burgers in my little flash fiction piece, because let me tell you--the SOUL BURGERS are the best thing you'll ever eat at 1 a.m. after walking the cobblestone streets of Main with a group of friends.
I mean, that's what I've heard anyway.
I finished Little Children and have almost finished The Abstinence Teacher (both by Perrotta)...then I plan on getting back to F. Scott and working on my "other" blog a bit.
In addition to all this reading (can you tell how much I miss class?)...I want to "revisit" knitting. I started a scarf before Christmas, but got stuck when it was time to bind off.
That may sound a bit kinky, but that's what it's called when you take your work OFF the needles...
reading! knitting! yoga!
We sound like a couple of old ladies (reading! knitting!), but at least we seem like happy old ladies!
Man, you read fast. I feel like I read abysmally slow just because I get so distracted by an author's diction and syntax. bah.
I probably read too fast sometimes, I don't know why I am tearing through Tom Perrotta.
What's funny is that on Friday I was trying to "remember" what movie I had watched the night before--before I realized I had only read the book.
The book was so real in my mind, I thought it was a movie.
Good thing, right?
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