What a lovely, lovely day!
Until the college basketball season gets underway, all of my "sports energy" is currently spent watching & cheering for the LSU TIGERS!
I have been a fan by default since meeting one of my best friends several years ago. She made sure to keep me up-to-date on the score of the game via text messaging until I made it home from work.
What a thrilling 4th Quarter! Two touchdowns in the final 3 minutes? WOW! It was complete edge-of-your-seat football. 41-34, eat it Bama!
Speaking of FABULOUS, my friend/author Laura Zigman is now writing weekly blogs for a site dealing with breast cancer. You can read her story weekly, starting H E R E. She is a wonderful writer and I think it takes GUTS to be so open about such a personal issue.
(Search her site, look for ME, I'm mentioned--and completely flattered to be)
Now that my "work week" is over, I have the next two days to get my act together concerning school work. I have to keep reminding myself--->I'm just a few weeks away from completely 20 credit hours since deciding to return to college. Not too shabby.
p.s. I also got the Fall edition of The Pinch (U of M's Literary Magazine) in the mail today. We'll see what I come up with in January to submit.
Hope you're having a good Sunday. I enjoyed your post.
we are women we are strong,you go girl.im so proud of you.
deine mutti
LSU sucks :(
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