Tuesday, August 28, 2007

IT has finally happened:

I'm 95% sure that I'm the oldest student in my Monday night class.

Art Appreciation.

I'm definitely not older than the professor, so that's a good thing. I think I am going to like him, he's both abrupt and knowledgeable about the subject. He means business (was a Marine), but is very laid back (is an artist). Our syllabus didn't include a bunch of test dates and due dates. This really scared all the little children (think Chef from South Park--he really says some funny things).

I think he had me when he answered a "What is your definition of Art" question with a quote from Georgia O'Keeffe. Gold!

I am NOT happy about the location of this class. We are in a glorified trailer (which does include a bathroom and controlled temperatures) BUT it does NOT include enough seating to accommodate all the students signed up for the class. THAT is pathetic, in my humble opinion. So I will be rushing like a madwoman (not to be ON TIME) but to get a SEAT every Monday night.

Plus a lotta bodies in a little space makes the temperature rise, good for Winter but not good for Summer.

I tried to purchase my text BEFORE class but the lines were too long. I should've known better. This turned out to be a good thing, because I was able to find it online and save about $20. Also, parking was a nightmare. Seemingly all the lots were full. But I did officially find out I can park in employee spaces really close to our "Modular" after 5 pm.

Day 2 brings Biology II with the same professor who taught Biology I. At least I know what to expect.



Stephanie said...

Check this out - I was older than my prof. over the summer. It was great fun.

janet said...

ooooooooo! now THAT IS IMPRESSIVE!




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