Monday, February 11, 2008

So Much To Say (x4):

(like the Dave Matthews Band cira 1995)

Since there have been about 10,000 things to write about, notice my complete silence. I apologize.

Super Tornado Tuesday has thrown me for a loop (and I wasn’t even affected) so I can hardly imagine what it would be like to be without a home. The pictures and stories keep trickling in and not only can they be found on local news programs, but national news channels as well.

If you want to help out be sure to check out the Union University Recovery site as well as the Midsouth chapter of the American Red Cross.

Just so you know, I've learned I am a "Political News Junkie" according to CNN. This means I like to watch programs like "Ballot Bowl 08" and all the Primary Results come in--while following along ONLINE on my laptop! For shame, for shame!

I have re-applied to the University of Memphis and they have replied with requests for official Transcripts containing all my college course work. EVERYTHING has been sent now and I am just waiting for word on my status!

I have my first Math exam tomorrow (instead of last week, since classes were cancelled) AND my first History exam NEXT week. Oy!


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