Continuing from yesterday (Adaptations 1) I will keep yakking about Film(s)/Book(s)...
Atonement (Ian McEwan) is another one of those thought-provoking films (like the Reader). It was on cable this past weekend and I ended up watching it until Robbie is accused. I could watch the first part of it over and over again (the second half is too heartbreaking). The two versions of the "fountain" scene are inspired--then we have the two versions of "the library" to think about. Wow. I have read sections of the book, but I haven't read it cover to cover yet.
The Hours (Michael Cunningham) I can't begin to tell you how much I love this movie. I saw it in the theatre (I cried). I bought it the moment it came out on DVD (still cried) I had no idea that it was a book before it was a movie (obviously I wasn't thinking about books as much last decade). Kidman, Moore, and Streep are powerhouse actors! I read about 60% of the book last November. Now that I've finished Mrs. Dalloway (Woolf) I think the book will be richer for me.
All The Pretty Horses (Cormac McCarthy) I grabbed the book sometime last summer--but have yet to crack it open. After reading one of his more "graphic" novels for a class, I have come to appreciate McCarthy, but fear his violence. I saw the movie a few months ago, watched it with a classmate who took the aforementioned class with me. I think we both liked it enough.
Evening (Susan Minot) *swoon swoon swoon* Was that enough? I wrote extensively about Evening (the film version) for a class several semesters ago. It is both deep and charming. Similar to The Hours in the emotional effect it has had on me. Even though I have read several short stories by Minot, I have yet to get started on the book. I have a feeling I'm never going to catch up with my reading (not a complaint).
Le Divorce (Diane Johnson) Even though I seem to be the only person in my circle of friends who actually liked this movie--I am going to continue to sing it's praises. I saw it in the theatre--it's both quirky and "realistic" as any Kate Hudson in Paris movie can be--well, even more so, which may be why it didn't do well. I just got the book...
Bridget Jones's Diary (Helen Fielding) has been semi-credited with bringing the genre of "chick lit" to the front of the bookstore shelves. Of course I saw the movie. Who hasn't seen the movie? (If you're male, your vote may not count on this one). I even saw the "second" movie for goodness sake. I've read snippets of the book; they are actually in diary format so it's quite easy to follow along (and was pretty innovative when it first came out).
And therein finishes my twelve book/film or film/book writing exercise (which took a whole hell of a lot longer than I thought it would).
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