I saw two really interesting films this weekend:
Away We Go (released last month) was quite a pleasing little one, filled with laughter, tears, and a great soundtrack.
It had me thinking about Garden State (2004) a lot. I saw Burt (John Krasinski) and Verona (Maya Rudolph) as an older Andrew (Zach Braff) and Sam (Natalie Portman) still on a quest for “home” or that infinite abyss.
Either film defines the existential struggles of my generation well—(my generation being those born in the ‘70s). Heartbreaking and funny. Poignant and silly. I may have to hang some plastic fruit on a tree just because…

Again, another generational (is that a word) film—this one dissecting suburban life in the 1950s.
Kate Winslet was perfection (as always) and since I haven't read the book, the ending was a shock/surprise.
As I was watching, I thought about a few of the short stories I've read by John Cheever...and then afterward I started thinking about similar films, or films on similar themes.
I call them "films of quiet desperation"...they are my favorite! And so there was a texting session later on...
J: I'm the queen of suicidal flicks, I guess
A: Seems so! While I have many involving the murdering of others...
J: We may need to be studied.
Of course if you put our movie collections together...
J: It would be a bad idea; if we don't kill ourselves we'll commit murder instead.
A: True.
If you like The Hours, Evening, or Closer--you'll probably like Revolutionary Road.
If you like Garden State, Lost in Translation, or Juno--you'll probably like Away We Go.
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