(insert more James Taylor here, if you'd like)
Since I was a child (circa 1982) I have been a Tar Heel fan.
If you're NOT from the great state of North Carolina (my father is) then you don't understand exactly.
You're born a Carolina or
Back to 1982. Michael Jordan (have you heard of him?) & Georgetown. NCAA Championship and little Janet drawing pictures of little "feet". Yes. I couldn't get enough of "the feet" and I would do anything for an original artwork from then!
To make a long story short(er) fast forward to 1993. I did all the "smack" talking a freshman in HS could do before Final Four weekend. Guess who came out the victor? ME (and UNC)!
I'm pretty sure I can find some of the games I recorded on VHS. Yes. I'm like an old man talking about "glory days" when it comes to this stuff. I wrote a term paper about Dean Smith and his legendary coaching career. Plant a big "L" on my forehead! HA HA!
I visited the campus a few summers ago & because there was a basketball camp in progress, I actually got to step onto the court & see all the jerseys in the rafters! BLUE HEAVEN, indeed! We strolled around Franklin Street as well, but being ON COURT was priceless!
Where am I going with all of this? You've probably figured it out. Sorry, Memphis. Don't hate me for being a True Blue Carolina fan. It's been a part of my life for a serious amount of time. I even had Carolina Blue painted walls for a long time, friends.
I've even did my share of "trash" talking with none other than Shane Battier (he forgave me. LOVE HIM!).
So what does a girl do with her favorite team is Number ONE in the country and sitting right there at Number TWO is MEMPHIS? The school in which I will be graduating from (eventually)....
It's enough to make my little Basketball Heart beat right out of my chest.