Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday Wrap-Up:

It has been a "Marathon" week already, but today is only my "Pharmacy Monday." *insert a lot of sad faces here*

I have a full page filled with random comments and notes from my Workshop with Bausch on Wednesday.

We talked about clever bumper stickers: "Save the Whales" + "No Nukes" = Nuke the Whales

Then it became a 1970s adventure as he told us about how "I found it" turned into "I fondled it"and his favorite Nixon-era "Impeach the Cox-Sacker" (I really like that one too!)

He read the "Invalid's Story" by Mark Twain. There was snickering around the room throughout--what a hilarious tale!

(Which led into a conversation about the "Jumping Frog" story--as I called it. No one else knew it--kids today!)

Guess who has read The Great Gatsby 36 times?

I nearly fell out of my chair! I told him about reading it for the first time over the summer and my extreme love for F. Scott and how I have been collecting used copies even though Tender is the Night is my least somebody gets me!

He suggested that we write a story from the point of view of someone 25 years older than we actually are AND the opposite gender. I'll have to try that.

Inspirational Quote of the Class:

"Write like all Hell! I mean, Why not?"


Weekly Yoga Class Observations:

Shavasana music is my favorite

(Wide) Downward Dog is my friend

Plank was relatively easy last night

Best Triangle Pose ever

Not so good Upright Crescent Moon

I haven't been able to hold Half Moon since Day 1

If someone has "poppy" knees, mine do the same

Looking at the ankles in front of me, helps me balance

  • I've jumped back into writing poetry. They are short, they are quick--but they are happening (in the middle of the night, no less)
  • I finally slept for eight hours last night (it was Benadryl-induced)
  • I switched from grapefruit lemongrass to cucumber green tea...we'll see if anyone can smell the difference. I LOVE IT!


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