Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Or maybe I've completed some things (just not enough)...but all I can actually think about is the Fussball.
I've managed to watch FOUR complete matches LIVE:
And snippets of others (only because of work).
This upcoming Wednesday should be interesting because all four matches are very, very important as to which two teams make it out of groups C & D. I have my eyes on you Germany & the U.S.
There are other teams I'd love to watch--Portugal and Italy (mainly) alongside the Netherlands. I guess we'll have to see how the second round unfolds after the group stage is over.
I've registered for my Fall classes:
Theories in Composition & Literature
Teaching Creative Writing
Advanced Fiction Workshop
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Happy Bloomsday!

in [ULYSSES] written by James Joyce in 1922.
I have yet to read it but respectfully, I know of it's existence.
I even own a beautiful hardback copy from 1946, which goes for $45-$100 on eBay every now and then. (I found mine for...$2 at a local second-hand bookstore)
Included in the forward, is a copy of the district court decision to lift the ban on the book in December 1933.
Ban? Yes, it was seen as "pornographic," written for the purpose of "exploiting obscenity." This made it illegal to own in the United States for over ten years. Gem from the decision:
"Each word of the book contributes like a bit of mosaic to the detail of the picture which Joyce is seeking to construct for his readers." (John M. Woolsey)
As much as I like the idea of people smuggling books across borders because they aren't "allowed" to read them. I do not agree WITH the need to do so, i.e., if it's offensive to you--don't read it.
One of my favorite sites allows you to search for words in the text: RIGHT HERE They let you search the text of several works, not just James Joyce. This comes in handy when you know you know a quote but can't remember WHERE it appears (I have this problem with Shakespeare).
What I do know well is the last episode in which we hear/read Molly Bloom's internal monologue ending with beautiful words and feelings:
"...I was a Flower of the mountain yes when I put the rose in my hair like the Andalusian girls used or shall I wear a red yes and how he kissed me under the Moorish wall and I thought well as well him as another and then I asked him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drew him down to me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes. "
Monday, June 14, 2010
All Roads Lead To:
[And or Flannery O'Connor.]
I received my Assistantship assignment information today. Alongside attending classes, reading for Arts & Letters and consulting in the Writing Center--it appears that a good part of my time will be spent working with/as office staff for the Flannery O'Connor Review.
My "fear" and "excitement" has mixed to form something yet to be named [suggests welcomed].
While leaning over the grave of Ms. O'Connor on March 25th (her birthday, for those keeping track at home) or visiting her farm at Andalusia, little did I know how close we were destined to become...
I used the (very strong) word (or concept) "Destined" because everything seems to be so--and I don't mean to suggest that at the tender age of 3 this was all "meant to be." I've obviously played a part in the path I am on.
And maybe the craziest part of it all, is I've "felt" something pulling at me since the very first time I logged onto the program's website--PRACTICALLY a year to this date. *shiver shiver shiver*
See how that all works?
I feel the need to thumb through my copy of The Violent Bear It Away, which was read for my American Gothic Literature class in the Spring of 2009 and share a few underlined passages:
"Tarwater clenched his fists. He stood like one condemned, waiting at the spot of execution. Then the revelation came, silent, implacable, direct as a bullet. He did not look into the eyes of any fiery beast or see a burning bush. He only knew, with a certainty sunk in despair...He tried to shout, "NO!" but it was like trying to shout in his sleep. The sound was saturated in silence, lost.
He would experience a love for the child so outrageous that he would be left shocked and depressed for days, and trembling for his sanity. It was only a touch of the curse that lay in his blood.
The love that would overcome him was of a different order entirely. It was a love without reason, love for something futureless, love that appeared to exist only to be itself, imperious and all demanding, the kind that would cause him to make a fool of himself in an instant."
M. F. O.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Simple Things
+Eating a bowl of half Rice Krispies/half Fruity Pebbles and washing it down with three "so-big-they-should-be-illegal" cups of coffee.
+Watching the History Channel with friends on a Saturday night, fingertips freshly stemmed from too-hot cheesy baked potatoes.
+Dancing to a “Gen-X” radio station at work with a new pharmacist while shouting, “That’s What See Said!” at inappropriately appropriate moments.
+Finding out the first "Yoga Mix" I put together is slowly making it's ways around the Bendy (and mentally-calm) of Memphis.
+Rushing home to watch World Cup Fußball and being able to see the U.S. "score" their first GOOOAAAALLLLL of 2010 LIVE versus England.
+Making a dish aptly called Hot Swamp Veggies to go alongside the "carnage" at a True Blood season premiere party...
...make me realize there are perfect moments scattered throughout these days.
Monday, June 7, 2010
To Continue:

Too many departures, of the known and "un" known variety--moving me in different and personal ways.
Almost too much to handle, really.
One of my favorite television characters, "Blanche Devereaux" aka Rue McClanahan...was really more of a heroine in more ways than one. Reading about her political views, thoughts, and animal activism only makes me love her more.
She is more than a grab-bag of quotes and one-liners, nevertheless I know my fair share. I've "tweeted" plenty while watching The Golden Girls, waiting for sleep to come. Co-workers have listened patiently as I've told countless Blanche stories, as if I were talking about myself.

With all of her links to Louisiana, she is the most fleur-de-lis person I know. And what I mean by that is the culture is in her blood. The music. The food. The art. The swampy, dirty heat.
Good work, Ron Zappe.

It's my ultimate favorite game. So Chris Haney, even though I didn't even know your name until it was in the headlines last week--BIG impact on me.
I started out with the "Young Players" edition in the teal box when the "grown-ups" were playing the one in the navy box (original Masters edition). And apparently the idea for TP came out of a conversation over a game of Scrabble.
Who knew? I"ll be arranging colored wedges in my wheel--after answering correctly and exclaiming, "Give me my piece of PIE!" for a very long time.
Do I need to include a discussion about Basketball? It's the game always played in a Carolina Blue hue for me--but props will be given as seen fit. John Wooden--this means YOU.
I walked into the restaurant and made my way to the bar, smiling at a friend and hopping up on the stool. I was introduced to the friendly bartender with long dark hair.
This is not the beginning of a joke. This was a Tuesday evening for me three weeks ago--and after last week, Mindy won't be behind the bar (physically) anymore. She was witty and fun. I'm happy to have known her, if only for a fraction of a mili-second of her short life.
Bernice Zigman, mother of author Laura Zigman--you must've been an amazing woman, because your daughter is as well.
Warm, peaceful thoughts have been floating all around. Smiles and tears, too.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
To Dream:
I'm pretty sure this could be considered "cheating." I've talked about sleeping and dreaming and NOT sleeping or dreaming before--but I've entered a whole new realm (so to speak) because I have been having a reoccurring nightmare lately.
There's the "being chased" dream or the "falling" dream. I've heard of the "showing up to school naked" dream before too. Those really don't apply to me...unless you include my "stuck in high school despite my age and the fact that I graduated from high school a very long time ago" dream.
For me it's been the "teeth falling out" dream. And I run to the Internet for meaning, of course. Most of the "reasons" or explanations meant nothing to me and made me recoil until I came across this:
"Teeth are used to bite, tear, chew and gnaw. In this regard, teeth represent power. And the loss of teeth in your dream may be from a sense of powerlessness.
Are you lacking power in some current situation? Perhaps you are having difficulties expressing yourself or getting your point across. You feel frustrated when your voice is not being heard. You may be experiencing feelings of inferiority and a lack of self-confidence in some situation or relationship in your life."
I feel a bit "powerless" in my "writing" life, remember? I haven't been able to take hold of my ideas and get them OUT (out, damn spot!).
There is a whole bucket of feelings involving a "lack of self-confidence" when it comes to my quickly-approaching start to Graduate School. I think (HOPE) that's pretty normal though.
And the two are closely related--it is a Creative Writing program...ya know? Cue the tossing and turning.
When someone asks, I explain what I have coming up and they shake their collective heads and give me heart-felt nods and congratulatory remarks.
I feel pride shining through--especially when that person has known me for a while and they exclaim, "That's what you've always wanted to do! You're living your DREAMS!"
Then I start thinking about the "teeth falling out" dreams and my smile fades. I guess I'll be wearing my night (bite) guard starting tonight...after I find it...!!!