I love you. No, really I do.
(and I don't think it's the caffeine talking)
Every time I go into one of your stores (and I've visited quite a few in the Memphis area) I am greeted by friendly and knowledgeable baristi (plural, I've looked it up).
I have a couple friends (actually I can only name ONE) who doesn't feel the same way I do. She was given a raisin scone instead of a chocolate chip scone several years ago and has sworn you a mortal enemy ever since.
(no, she didn't go back and explain the switch-a-roo)
Everyone else? LOVES you too! I was quite shocked last summer to find out that my Mother even visits one location so frequently everyone knows her by name. We delightfully exchange your gift cards and revel in your coffee products like it's no body's business!
I was told this past December to make sure and REGISTER all gift cards. So I went online and registered one. Then I promptly LOST said registered card. Whoops. I didn't think too much about it because I had other gift cards to use.
Then I received an email from you last month which said that you had loaded an additional $5 onto the aforementioned LOST card. You didn't know I had lost the card. You were just treating me & it was much appreciated.
I've since torn my room apart & basically gave up hope on finding the card. BUT WAIT! All hope is NOT lost because I REGISTERED the card--which means my balance is secure!
I called this morning and had the balance on the LOST card switched to another card. And keeping with every OTHER dealing I've ever had with you--the person I spoke to was extremely nice and helpful.
So the moral of the story? I love you. I really do. AND everyone else--BE SURE TO REGISTER YOUR CARDS!
I know what ya mean.
I love starbucks also.
The coffee is great!!!
Danke Dani!
Ich hoffe in ein paar jahre Wir koennen kaffee zusamen trinken gehn.
yeah, why not?!
Thats a very good idea!!!
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