Monday, January 31, 2011
In a Landscape.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Being on campus this semester feels a whole lot different than being on campus last semester. And I guess this "realization" makes sense (especially if you stop to think about it)--I'm taking different classes, I have a different schedule.
For example, instead of working in the Writing Center in the mornings (opening it, if you will) I am working in the afternoons (closing it).
My classes are only "at night" (during the evening slot)...which starts at 5:30 pm. This is the same time slot for evening classes at the University of Memphis, so I am "used" to it. In fact, I really like it. My classmates with afternoon classes like to say that I'm "in night school." True, true.
I remember a former instructor (also an MFA student at the time) complaining the morning class he was teaching (and I was in). He said, "Don't they know writers stay up all night?" Cue the laughter from the class. But this seems to be very true to life. Morning classes should be reserved for....journalism students. They have to get up early to chase the news!
(He also liked to drink tea, I have become a heavy tea drinker--the stronger the better. Coincidence?)
In actuality, the morning time should be reserved for writing, or the night time should be (depending on when you begin functioning). For example, Flannery O'Connor wrote every morning. It was part of her writing schedule. And as I mentioned (danced around the topic) in a previous post, we should all have one.
Everything is different, yet everything is the same. And I have more reading to complete.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The Plan.

Although I don't exactly look like what Van Gogh painted in 1888 (which apparently sold late last year for more than three million dollars)... this is somewhat how I imagine myself to look as I read, read, read, read (you get the point) all of the assignments I need to finish before classes next week.
I am seventy-nine pages away from finishing Wise Blood (Flannery O'Connor). Then I've got seven "short" stories to read (three of those are submissions, as I am part of an editorial staff)...
remember that comprehension is implied when I'm talking about reading--which is evident up there too, because Van Gogh's reader is obviously paying close attention. Reading and annotating (I should've originally written)--but in my world they naturally go together.
I'm happy to be in submerged in the world of words right now, they are comforting--like a heavy mug of tea for the brain.
I'll worry about the writing, scheduling, and shopping later.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Literary Autobiography (2)

(Pre-teen Reading)
Only 13, I remember having to check Gone With the Wind out from the library over a couple 6-week periods in order to finish it. It was the longest book I had read at the time.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Really: Happy Birthday!

If fact, it was "Hardy Passion" that is partially responsible for getting me through my first semester of graduate school.
I’ve had my Limited Edition Elvis coffee too! (Sorry, obviously I enjoyed all of mine a while ago--you can just look at the lovely picture provided)…
Ugly Mug does have “Blue Suede Shoes” currently available if YOU are interested though.
Speaking of Blue Suede shoes...did you see Edison Peña's awesome shoes at the Grizzlies game last night? (Or maybe hear his rendition on television?)
Rescued Chilean miner, an Elvis fanatic, visits Graceland in Memphis
He's cutting the birthday cake at Graceland and everything else today. Very cool!
This year (to coincide with Elvis Week) the Elvis Mr. Potato Head became available, which means I got an Elvis spud for Christmas a couple weeks ago…
You can also see my "mini" Elvis ornaments (the big ornaments have already been packed away) and more limited edition wine in this picture too.
Between the pictures and the CDs and the doll (or this one) and the calendars and the aforementioned collectibles I've detailed already--I'd have to remind you:
Thank you, thank you very much!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Happy (almost) 76th Birthday!
My Senior year of high school (let's erase the year) I remember being in my "Journalism" class (as co-editor of the newspaper) and one of my classmates came in with the answer to a very big and important question.
Kyle (a self-proclaimed U2 and Elvis fanatic) came in and wrote the following on the blackboard:
Oh yes, that rather famous anagram had never been pointed out to me before, so I was taken aback. I was impressed. I was sure THIS was the coolest discovery in wordplay ever (obviously, I was a bit naïve).
But, get this--it's still TRUE!
With over 15,000 Elvis-licensed products out there (according to a spokesperson at Graceland) it’s no surprise that Elvis Presley is always on Forbes Top-Earning Dead Celebs’ list. (He came in at number two in 2010)
Hey! The King is alive in our hearts, right? (alternative word for heart: wallet)
So this holiday season, just like every other holiday season in recent past, I was surprised with more fantastic, wacky Elvis-related collectibles. Obviously I AM one of the Elvis "people." At least I'm easy to shop for, right?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Led by its
consult your physician!
And I have the antibiotics, steriods (oral and inhaled) to prove it...
Mastering the Neti Pot is not as simple as it seems (I may as well stand in the shower everytime I do it).
Classes start when? Oh brother!