Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"...& all things folded in half"

I must admit I know this writer. Happily I met her this semester when she visited campus for a reading. You could say she is at least a double threat because her CNF (creative nonfiction) is amazing as well.
"Parts of Speech" by Julie Marie Wade

1) Cantaloupe; serendipitous selection; deep green of the vigorous rind

2) Salutation; coming or going, a wave is always the same

3) Curfew: I want you home with me, in bed

4) Helix, Entendre, & all things folded in half

5) Television; if you look hard enough, there’s a mirror inside

6) Circumcision, & other pilferings of the body

7) Polygon, encompassing an indeterminate number of sides

8) Sunrise: conversation piece & practical light

9) Euphemism—the one they forgot—the reason for two chairs at this table

(Poetry Month!)

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